
Non-stop moving

I am sure this post will make some people mad or at least jealous. I am also almost sure that this is not common, especially in such a short time.

My baby girl is only 4 months and has been traveling quite a lot.

She has been in:
- 12 flights,
- 10 cities
- 6 countries,
- and 2 continents.

And this is without counting the trips we did while she was literally a part of me.

She has been eating:
- in trains,
- in planes,
- in buses,
- in ferries,
- at airport security,
- outside a graveyard,
- coffee shops,
- restaurants,
- bars,
- conference halls,
- etc...

She has been sleeping in her pram/buggy for more than a month now.

She has been taking baths in bathroom sinks, hotel bathtubs, kitchen sinks or no baths at all when lacking for a better option. Needless to say that diaper changing has been quite the adventure, one may say.

My baby girl has been through a lot and has been managing quite ok. Even when we had to move to a different country.

And yes, she's only 4 months.

And even with jet-lag, we keep exploring wherever we are. Under sun and under rain.

Oh yes, and we are flying again in a week.

Who's jealous now?

No, this post is not to make anyone jealous. It actually has the sole purpose of inspiring parents around the world to not be afraid to travel. Yes, maybe we have been lucky with our little one, but you'll never know if you don't try, right? There have been some hard times, but we just take a deep breath and go on.

"Don't ever hesitate to pack and go."

So, keep moving, folks!

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