
Phase 3: whole life

"Live life in all its fullness"

I believe in living as close to the pure concept of life as possible. To live fully committed to your roots, connected to your origins. One may achieve a deeper connection through, for instance, food.

I have been investing in improving my life quality for the last month. I am learning a lot while enjoying great food. And, let me tell you, gorgeous food I am having! So colourful and with so much going on, like a rollercoaster. I almost feel dizzy just by looking to the perfect textures and shapes food may have. Just like little pieces of art. I have so much fun and feel so close to a clímax. Seriously, I have loads of pleasure cooing, eating, reading, photographing, or just writing about food, that I find myself happier than ever.

Life-changing moments, these are. Moments which I try to stop. No, be honest, have you encountered a plate of gorgeous food? I love to call it “food porn”. It is good and addictive, and I cannot stop. Ok, but there is a difference: you do not feel bad about it afterwards.

Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, you name it. Invite me to eat and I am in! No, fast food is not food. It would be like going for a movie and ending up just watching the trailer. And a really boring one! No good! No me gusta (I have to practice my Spanish, apparently).

Give me good food, complete food, WHOLE food!!! and I will be your slave forever. Ok, not exactly slave, but you will definitely be in extremely good consideration.

I try, I truly try to freeze these astonishing experiences, like paintings, filled with colour and good vibes. I am a scientist, but when it comes to food, science is not enough. I get inspired and art just takes over. Besides, I feel healthier than ever.

There is just a tiny thing missing, but soon I will be breathing and feeling plenty of that misplaced piece.

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